Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Oops Sorry LAST WEEK!!

I guess I lost my excitement when everyone but Toni and Meredith??? dropped out! This week i challenge everyone to a colon cleanse! ha ha.. that's right a colon cleanse. Marisa told me about it when she was here. She said if you eat all fruits nuts and veggies and salmon for 2-3 days you feel so good and feel so much lighter. So that is what to do this week. I have dropped 4 of my 5 pounds i needed to lose so I feel great. If you made your goals make sure to reward yourself, i know I will!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Can you believe it's already been 5 weeks?? Toni lost 2 more pounds- way to go, slow and steady, you just keep losing and losing!!! How many total is that for you?? I lost track. She has high motivation to look her best for D.C.! I weigh the same and am hoping to lose around 1-2 more pounds before this is over. I have been very consistent in my workouts and feel much more in shape! Anyone else? How did you do? This week for the diet plan use one of the previous weeks menus or your knowledge to stick with your 1400 calorie diet! 3 weeks to go, we can do it!!