1- UPPER BODY WORKOUT (this is my workout, you can simplify or modify) You can do a lot of these at home with hand weights. Each part consists of 4 different exercises, rotate and repeat.
1. Tricep extension- 15
- Stand, leaning over chair or table, arm back, elbow bent, as shown.
- Hold weight in hand.
- Straighten elbow through available range.
- Return to start position.
2. Bicep curls-15
- Begin with arms at side, sit or stand, elbow straight, palms up, dumbbells or barbell in hand.
- Bend elbows upward.
- Return to starting position.
*Note: This exercise can also be done with a barbell.
3.Punching Bag- fast punch 20, jab punch 20 each arm
You can punch in the air, punching is great for toning arms. If not, jumprope, to get heartrate up, it burns more calories.
4. Shoulder Press -15
- Stand with feet hip distance apart.
- Start with weights in hands, palms inward as shown.
- Raise weights up and overhead while twisting as weights pass head.
- End with palms facing forward.
- When lowering weights, twist before reaching top of head.
- Repeat.
Repeat part 1 2-3 times
1. Bent over row-15
- Begin in position shown. Right leg bent, toes forward, right arm on right thigh, left leg straight and extended back, toes pointed to left. Keep back straight, parallel to floor, with shoulders squared.
- Begin with weight on floor.
- Raise it up to abdomen, keeping elbow close to side.
- Lower and repeat.
2. Push ups (woman style) or chest press 10-15 (if you are a beginner you'll have to work up to this)
3. punching bag (same as last time)
4. lateral dumbbell flies- 15
- Stand with arms out to sides, elbows straight.
- Hold weights in hands.
- Lift arms up to middle, keeping elbows straight.
- Return to start position and repeat.
Repeat part 2 2-3 times
1. Ab Crunch-25-50
- Lie on back with knees bent, and hands clasped behind neck.
- Raise shoulders up until they clear the floor and return to start position for one set.
- For the other two sets, raise left shoulder toward right knee, return to floor.
- Lift right shoulder toward left knee, return to floor.
2. bicycle abs- 25-50
- Lie on back with knees bent, and hands clasped behind neck.
- Raise left shoulder up and raise right knee up, twist until they touch.
- Lower and repeat with right shoulder and left knee.
3. side-ups 10-15 each side
- Lie on floor on your side, forearm supporting upper body.
- Knees should be bent to 45 degrees.
- Place free hand on hip as shown.
- Keep knee and lower leg on floor and raise hip off floor.
- Lower and repeat.
- Repeat exercise on other side.
4. super crunch- legs up in air crunch as high as you can 25
Repeat 2-3 times
1. Walking lunges with or with out hand weights- 15 each leg (30 total)
- Hold weights at sides, palms inward.
- Step forward, bending knees to 90 degrees as shown.
- Rear knee should almost touch the floor.
- Push back up to standing.
- Repeat.
- Sit in knee extension exerciser.
- Place front of ankles under pads.
- Slowly straighten knees.
- Return to start position and repeat.
3. Step ups- 15 each leg
Step up onto a bench, high step, - do with or without weights in your hands depending on your fitness level
4. Leg curl-15
- Lie face down on ham curl machine.
- Place back of ankles behind pads.
- Pull ankles up and toward buttocks.
- Return to start position, controlling the weight.
- Repeat.
Repeat Part 1 2-3 times
1. Jump rope 1-2 minutes
2. Squats-15
With weights in hand bend down into a sitting position and come back up.
3. Calf Raises- 25
- Stand with weights in hands.
- Feet placed shoulder distance apart.
- Raise up on balls of feet.
- Return to start position and repeat.
4. Deadlift 15
- Stand with feet together, weights on floor in front of feet.
- Squat down placing chest against thighs.
- Tighten lower back muscles, grasp weights in hands.
- Keep head forward and back straight, and gently straighten knees until a gentle stretch is felt. Hold for several seconds.
- Slowly stand upright.
- Keeping back straight, reverse the motion and lower weights to floor, keeping knees as straight as possible and hold for several seconds, then bend knees, returning to start position.
Repeat Part 2 2-3 times
I will also be making a BONUS workout for you hardcore gals. My plan is cardio Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Weights Tuesday, Thursday. Bonus workout Saturday. The bonus workout consists of really fun stuff like sprints, frog leaps, etc.... all the mean stuff Jared makes me do. You can modify this however you like. If you are a beginner, just start with the basics.
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